Having learned from two amazing people, Prof. Dr H. Güntekin Köksal and deceased RPh. Composer A. Pınar Köksal, I have been privileged to gain a deep understanding of our company ethos throughout my life. Honesty and sharing have always been the motto of our companies and will continue to be our strongest pillars. We shall endeavour to be fair, hard-working and innovative in all that we do.
Our story started 45 years ago and continues today with the same level of excitement. We are pursuing new projects in new regions and cultures with enthusiasm. Our company, which has grown over the years will continue to grow and contribute further to its surroundings. I would like to thank my family; my colleagues who have endeavoured to bring success to our company in the past and today; our business partners; and all the hospitable people of the regions that we have worked in and will continue to work in.
Today I am proud to look ahead to the future with the same level of courage, honesty, self-devotion, risk-taking and diligence that came before me.
Together to many successes to come…

Ayşe Köksal Çetin
Pet Holding A.Ş.